Hope for International Adoptions
Millions of children worldwide live in orphanages or live on the street without any parental care, over 650,000 in Russia alone. Many American families seeking to adopt children had looked internationally for children because the adoptions were cheaper and there is such a need to give homes to orphaned children in many eastern European and Asian countries. However due to illegal actions such as fraud, bribery and child-trafficking in the international adoption process many countries have stopped adoptions to America. With these bans in place coupled with the ongoing recession there has been a noticeable decline of foreign adoptions but the need still exists.
Congress hopes to pass the Children in Families First Act which will create a separate State Department bureau that will partner with organizations in other countries with the sole purpose to lower the number of children without families. Critics of the bill say that this would just create more bureaucracy in the adoption process which is often times a very slow process to begin with.