Shared custody increasingly common in Colorado
Many divorced couples want nothing to do with their ex-spouses. When children are involved some parents are willing to “fight dirty” for sole custody in order to cut the other parent out of their and their children’s lives. While the ex-spouse feels it is in their own best interest, it might not be in the child’s best interest.
In cases where there is no evidence of abuse and the parents are not involved in dangerous lifestyles such as using drugs or excessive drinking many Colorado courts have favored a shared custody situation rather than sole custody. Although it is more common for a mother to falsely accuse the father of abuse or other things to get sole custody, fathers have been known to use such underhanded tactics as well. Whichever parent does this, it’s the child that suffers a life denied of one parent.
If a parent is facing a custody dispute, they need to evaluate their situation before the dispute becomes about revenge.