What If One Spouse Doesn’t Want a Divorce?
There are situations where a couple cannot agree on whether or not to get a divorce. One spouse might feel that the marriage can be saved with counseling, or have reservations about divorce due to the children being involved or religious reasons. When once spouse is unwavering on their decision for divorce, it is their right to have one. However, there are a few things a couple can do in this situation.
A couple can get a legal separation which would feel like a divorce yet without being permanent. Another thing for a couple that is considering a divorce can do is create a post nuptial agreement. A postnup allows the couple to determine things ahead of time in the event of a divorce that would normally be determined in a courtroom. This saves a lot of time and hassle later on if the couple decides to divorce. In addition, going the route of a postnup before a divorce is more sensitive to the children than a courtroom divorce.