When One Parent Won’t Pay Child Support
Back child support is becoming an overwhelming problem in our society today with $108 billion in back child support owed in 2009. When one parent refuses to pay or simply can’t afford the child support there isn’t much the other parent can do. Legally they can be thrown into jail for failing to pay child support but it doesn’t solve the issue that the children are not being taken care of financially in the amount the courts have determined. There are however a few things a parent can do if they are owed child support.
Do not deny the other parent visitation time because they owe back child support. When a parent can be involved in their child’s life, it’s more likely they will want to help out financially especially they can see that there are needs not being met because of financially restraints. Also, if one parent is not consistent with child support payments, it is wise to plan a budget not including any child support to attempt to eliminate the financial stress of unpaid child support.